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Street Blowjobs After dinner we sat in her living room drinking wine and talking for what seemed to be hours. We talked about anything and everything until the topic finally turned to sex. I couldn’t help it, I reached up and pulled her into me taking one of those beautiful breasts into my mouth and began sucking on it like a baby. She was moaning with pleasure as she stroked my cock. The next evening I showed up at her door at precisely 6:00pm. I was dressed casual as she’d recommended and I had brought her a bouquet of flowers as a housewarming gift. I was doing everything I could not to cum, but finally I could do no more and before I could warn her I felt my hot load rush out and into her wanting pussy. Street Blowjobs I could feel her hands exploring my crotch as she felt my hard on through my pants. She unbuttoned my pants and pulled my hard waiting cock out without ever taking her eyes from mine. She moved slow at first, but it didn’t take long before she was bouncing up and down on my cock her big tits slapping me in the face. She was almost screaming with pleasure and had her fingernails dug into my side. She turned out to be a wonderful cook. She had made a delicious pasta and had even put Street Blowjobs out a couple candles and some red wine. Street Blowjobs My name is Jack. I’m 26 years old and a computer programmer for a large software company. I make good money, and own my own home in a nice middle class neighborhood. Street Blowjobs I had found out that she was 35 yrs old and had just recently gotten out of an abusive marriage. She must have noticed me staring, because she waved to me and shouted over “Good morning neighbor.” I waved, and shouted a similar greeting back. Street Blowjobs However, she insisted that I come over for dinner the next night. By then she said she should have her kitchen unpacked and able to cook a nice meal. Street Blowjobs My name is Jack. I’m 26 years old and a computer programmer for a large software company. I make good money, and own my own home in a nice middle class neighborhood. She had told me that she was very excited about her new life because she’d lived so many years of her life being unhappy and mistreated. After dinner we sat in her living room drinking wine and talking for what seemed to be hours. We talked about anything and everything until the topic finally turned to sex. Street Blowjobs I confided to her that it had been at least two Mikes apartment since I’d been with a woman. Somehow during this conversation she managed to sneak up very close to me and was now squeezed up against me. Her breathing seemed to be getting heavier and I couldn’t help but notice the buttons of her blouse strain each time she inhaled. Street Blowjobs I had found out that she was 35 yrs old and had just recently gotten out of an abusive marriage. I confided to her that it had been at least two since I’d been with a woman. Somehow during this conversation she managed to sneak up very close to me and was now squeezed up against me. I couldn’t help it, I reached up Euro Sex Parties and pulled her into me taking one of those beautiful breasts into my mouth and began sucking on it like a baby. She was moaning with pleasure as she stroked my cock. “Um yeah sure. I guess I could do that.” “Your wife wont mind?” “Uh oh no I’m not married.” “Ok, just making sure. I don’t want to have a jealous wife on my hands.” She said with a grin. After a few minutes of very passionate kissing she pulled away from me and stared into my eyes. For a long while she lay on top of me, both of us exhausted. Then finally she spoke. “I hope that was as good for you as it was for me.” The next morning I went out to get my paper and looked across at the house and was shocked to see a tall red haired woman dressed in a green bikini top and a tight pair of jean shorts. After about an hour or so she came out of her garage carrying a pile of boxes and set them near the road for the trash. Later after I’d eaten breakfast and dressed I went out to do some yard work.